Tag Archives: animals in home in winter

animals in home during winter

Protect Your Home from Animals in Winter


So where do animals go during the winter? What do they do when you’re inside warming yourself around the fireplace or tucked under a warm blanket.

Those wild critters get cold during winter too. They need a warm place to stay. Your attic, garage, shed or basement sure start to look like an inviting critter Airbnb.

These are not the kind of holiday guests you want in your home!

Squirrels, raccoons, mice, and bats oh my! They’re all looking for a warm place to stay and your warm home is so inviting.

If you think your family and friends can make a mess of your home during the holidays, you don’t want to see what these wild critters can do!

So how do you keep these determined rodents out of your home?

Here are some tips to help keep wild animals out of your home during the winter months.

Wildlife in the home prevention tips

  • Check your foundation – From the bottom up, check your foundation for openings or any signs of animal activity in the spots where pipes, vents, and cables enter your home.
  • Secure your trash cans – Wherever you store your garbage before you take it to the curb, keep it tight and secure. Raccoons especially are attracted to garbage cans. Once they find a nice place to eat, they might decide it’s also a nice place to live.
  • Trim branches away – Tree branches that come close to your home make a nice path for a squirrel or bat to find their way into your home. Don’t make their trip into your attic easy for them.
  • Clear away clutter – Piles of clutter, yard debris and garbage make great hiding places for animals. Unnecessary clutter makes critters feel comfortable to get close to your home.

You can’t always keep all animals out but the biggest thing is to not make their route into your home any easier.

Keep a clean home and property. Check your doors, foundation, roofline, pipes and utilities and patch up any potential entrances.

If you do get critters in your home, Attic Solutions are experienced at animal removal in the Chicago area.

If you have any questions, just give us a call at (847) 464-1861