Tag Archives: wildlife control tips

Raccoons in the Attic

racoons-in-the-attic-illinoisCharging rent is not the answer.

Raccoons are more likely to visit in winter, but they can and will get inside at any time of year. A mother may choose an attic as a safe spot for giving birth to and raising her young.

Warm Dens

Raccoons seek out warm dens in the winter to help protect them from the elements. They most commonly seek out hollow trees, but are opportunistic about other options. Raccoons have been known to take over the underground burrows of other animals, use caves or make dens in attics to keep warm. They sometimes den with other raccoons as well to take advantage of the mutual body heat, especially in severe winters.

Raccoons in the attic

As intelligent problem-solvers with great dexterity and determination, raccoons often find their way into attics at entry points where different building materials join. This might be where dormer junctions occur, where unpainted trim board creates structural defects, or where the building material itself is pliant, enabling them to push their way past, as is easily done with some plastic soffits.

Raccoons in the chimney

When a mother raccoon sees an uncapped chimney, she sees a perfect nursery. It’s a safe and sheltered place to give birth to and raise her young until they are able to get around on their own.

The fireplace chimney is usually preferred because the horizontal “smoke shelf ” is a convenient size to nestle with her kits, but she may also use the chimney venting a furnace.

Call a professional

If more immediate and direct intervention is required to remove raccoons, then we strongly recommend hiring Attic Solutions. Evicting a raccoon can be difficult. There are potential safely risks to the homeowner and humane concerns for the raccoons if the eviction isn’t done properly.

Image Source: Business Insider
Post Sources: Humane Society & Pets on Mom.me

Attic Solutions Alert: Dangers Of Wild Animal Bites

Vicious Raccoon, Rabies, Wild Animal, pest control, animal removelA bite or scratch from any wild animal, or even that of a domestic house pet like a dog or cat, can be dangerous. Even if the wound is minor, it can become infected and spread throughout your body. Further, any bite can carry disease. One of the most common causes for worry among wild animal bites is rabies.

What Is Rabies?

Rabies is a viral infection of warm-blooded animals. It is most commonly found in bats, raccoons, skunks, coyotes, and foxes in North America, although wild animals can infect dogs, cats, and livestock. The disease attacks the nervous system and, once symptoms develop, it is 100 percent fatal in animals.

How Do You Get Rabies?

You can contract rabies through a cut or scratch on your body, or through the mucous membranes (the lining of your eyes or mouth). The virus travels to your central nervous system in your brain and then travels to various organs where it multiplies.

Rabies Symptoms

  • Stage 1 (symptoms lasting 2 to 10 days)
    • Fever
    • Headache
    • Vomiting
    • Decreased Appetite
    • Malaise
    • Pain, itching or numbness around the wound site
  • Stage 2
    • Difficulty swallowing
    • Disorientation
    • Agitation
    • Becoming paralyzed

How To Diagnose Rabies

Animals are diagnosed fairly quickly. A test called direct fluorescent antibody test (DFA) is most often used by laboratories and results can be had in as little as a few hours. In humans, it is a bit more complex. Several tests must be completed for confirmation including saliva, serum, spinal fluid, and skin biopsies from the back of the neck.

What Is The Treatment For Rabies

There is not a cure for rabies and it is more difficult to treat once symptoms have presented. However, there are vaccines that provide rabies immunity following exposure or to prevent it (which is useful for people who work with animals like vets).

What To Do If Bitten By Wild Animal

  • Wash the wound with soap and water.
  • If bleeding, apply pressure.
  • Dry and cover the wound, but do not use tape or bandages to prevent trapping bacteria.
  • Call your doctor or healthcare professional for further instructions.
  • Locate the animal that bit you if possible.

How To Prevent Being Bitten

  • Avoid strange or sick animals.
  • Do not bother animals who are eating.
  • Keep pets on a leash.
  • Do not separate fighting animals.
  • Always get your family pets their rabies shots.
  • Supervise your pets outside.
  • Do not play with or approach wild animals.

As soon as you suspect you may have a wild animal infestation, call Attic Solutions immediately at 847-464-1861 for removal. We are trained professionals and equipped to deal with the issue. We will remove the animals and fix any property damage they may have caused.


Preventing Wildlife From Entering Your Home

Summertime in the Chicagoland area usually means warm weather and longer days. It also means animals are out moving about and mothers are teaching their young how to forage. This time of the year you need to keep a lookout for animals who just might be trying to take up residence in your home. And they do not plan on paying rent!



We need some water!

Raccoons love food and there is an abundance of that this time of year, thanks to picnics and barbeques. Be sure to bring in your garbage cans as quickly as possible (try not to leave them out overnight), and keep any exterior porch or garage doors shut.


I hope they don't see me!

Just hanging around!

Opossums are shy animals that only act scary to frighten away would-be predators. These meek creatures spend their nights in search of food, and now that it is warm out there is a tendency to have our pets and our pets’ food outdoors. If you leave pet food out, you can bet you will have an opossum taking up residency shortly. To keep them out, remove any food and do not feed your pets outside.


So what do we do now!

So what do we do now!

Now that is has warmed up, the birds are flying north again! Be on the lookout for any that may have nested in your chimney, attic vents or soffits, or vents. While all the birds have likely hatched by now, some may have decided to call your house their home. Permanently. If you are just looking to prevent any birds from moving in, consider a chimney cap and wire mesh around any exterior vent or soffit openings.

Small Rodents

Wood mouse

I sure hope no one sees me here!

These nocturnal creatures are out and about now that it is nice out. Window wells are an easy spot for these opportunistic animals to sneak in. To animal-proof your window wells, consider putting a plastic or metal grates over them.



Who can I tag next!

While we’re past full-blown skunk season in Chicago (it’s generally February through late March), there are still plenty of these smelly creatures around. Skunks aren’t much for foraging, so they go where the ground is soft and there are plenty of people. Skunks have been known to burrow under decks and porches, and an outdoor motion-activated floodlight might help scare them away before they move in.

And of course you have your deer, coyotes, squirrels, turtles, and foxes… Just hanging

Preventing Raccoons from Moving into Your Home

Raccoons are not small. In fact, they can easily weigh up to 20 pounds. They are also incredibly intelligent and use their paws like hands. They have been known to open doors, jars, lids, windows, and even hatches. Thanks to this large body mass and dexterity, they can do a lot more damage to your home than a smaller animal like a mouse or squirrel.

Raccoons And SoffitsRaccoon Pic 4

Raccoons seem to enjoy making dens in chimneys and attics. Their point of entry is soffits and they are not afraid to chew their way through. There are several reasons that raccoons find soffits an easy target. Soffits are generally located in low-traffic areas of the home. Many times, raccoon-induced damage may go unnoticed for quite a long time. In fact, by the time you see it, your raccoon may have multiplied! Soffits also are warm with dry air, which is very enticing to a raccoon. They also are usually easy to reach and easy to pry open for dexterous raccoons. Soffits are also generally protected from weather.

What To Do If Raccoons Move In And Raccoon-Proofing Your Home

So, a raccoon chewed through your soffit and moved into your home. The first thing you have to do is have the raccoons removed. You should not try to remove these creatures on your own. Without meaning to, you could endanger yourself or the raccoons. You could even be in violation of a local wildlife removal ordinance. You should start by calling a trained wildlife removal professional like Attic Solutions who are familiar with humane and effective raccoon removal procedures. You do not want to try to separate a mother raccoon from her kits. You might not live to tell about it! Once your raccoon family is humanely evicted, you need to seal and secure all points of entry. Sturdy, hardware wire mesh is usually adequate, although metal bars or panels also work depending on the design of your soffit. Just be sure to fix it properly so another unwelcomed guest doesn’t try to move back in.

Preventing Wildlife From Entering Your Home

Raccoon RemovalThere is nothing more frustrating than trying to remove an animal once it has decided to take up residence in your home! Whether they burrow under the foundation, or invade the attic, it can be both a time consuming and expensive process to evict them. Remember the old saying “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”? Well, that is very fitting! The following are some tips on preventing animals for making your home their home.

Window Wells

Window wells are an easy spot for an opportunistic animal to sneak into your home. To animal-proof your window wells, consider putting a plastic or metal grate over them.

Squirrel RemovalBasement And Foundation

Do a check of your perimeter specifically looking for any holes near the foundation. An animal only needs a small space to gain entry. If you are concerned that an animal has already taken up residence, ball up some newspaper and place it in and around the hole (unless you suspect birds or bats because this can trap them). If you have animals, the paper will be disturbed. Once you determine no animals have already moved in, move forward with sealing any holes you may have found. These holes can be plugged with materials such as wood, aluminum, sheet metal, mesh hardware cloth, or any other durable item. Small and hard to reach holes can be sealed with wadded up wire or even copper or stainless steel scouring pads.

Decks And Porches

Animals like raccoons and skunks have been known to burrow and build dens under decks and porches. An outdoor motion-activated flood light can help spook away animals who are interested in moving in. If you have a deck or porch that is built within 2 feet of the ground, the University of Illinois suggests that you dig a trench at least 10 inches deep around the perimeter. Once you have your trench, attach 1″ × 1″ welded wire or 1/2″ × 1/2″ mesh hardware cloth “from the top of the outside joists to the bottom of the trench.” You should allow for 6 to 8 inches of wire at the bottom and “bend it out at a 90o angle.” Then, fill the trench with rocks or soil and cover it with something like a lattice to make it look it nice.


Keep an eye out for loose shingles. Also look for any areas that may have water damage since that softens the material and it is easier for animals to dig a hole through it. You should check your roof twice a year and if you see any damage fix it immediately (after ensuring no animals have moved in).

Attic Vents And Soffits

You can prevent animals from coming in through attic vents and soffits by covering the inside opening with 1/2″ × 1/2″ mesh hardware cloth.

Attic Fan Opening

Follow the same steps used for attic vents and soffits. You can make it even more secure by nailing 1″ × 2″ pieces of wood on the edges of the mesh hardware cloth to keep it in place.

Fireplace Or Furnace Chimney

Install a commercial chimney cap or cover with mesh hardware cloth. In order to keep sticks from accumulating, be sure to leave a peak over the flue.

Do not try to remove raccoons on your own. Without realizing it, you could endanger yourself or the animal, or even be in violation of a law or ordinance. Call a trained professional like Attic Solutions who are familiar with humane and effective wildlife removal procedures.

Keep Summer Animals Out of Your Home

Keep Summer Animals Out of Your Home

The summer is at its halfway point and if you have been successful in keeping pests and intrusive animals out of your house, then you have won half the battle.  In the remaining days of the summer, homes are still at high risk for animal intrusions so homeowners should continue to be aware of the potential entry points and common hiding spots for animals in their homes.  There are a variety of different animals in the Chicago area that seek shelter indoors and the following tips will help you prevent animal intrusions and take the right actions should one occur.

Identify What Animal Has Invaded Your Home

There are always a variety of animals looking for indoor shelter and animals such as birds, bats, and snakes are most likely to invade homes in the late summer.  Many birds are laying eggs in the mid to late summer which means that they are also looking to build nests.  Intrusive birds commonly nest in attics and crawlspaces so make sure to check these areas regularly for any nests.  Bats and snakes may also invade these areas during the summer as they enjoy the heat and the shelter.

Find Exit/Entry Point

If you believe an animal may be going in and out of your attic or crawlspace, place a piece of cardboard over each possible entry point.  The cardboard will have chew and claw marks if there is an animal coming and going but this discovery could also mean that you have trapped the animal inside.  If you are positive that the animal is indeed trapped in your home, it is time to take actions to get rid of it.

Removing Animals from Your Home

The first thing you should do once you confirm that an animal is in your house is shut your interior doors to quarantine the animal in one room.  Once this is done, try opening a window or door to the outside and turn off the lights so that the only light in the room is coming from the opening.  Many times the animal will find their own way out in this scenario.  If the animal has made itself comfortable in your home by building a nest or lodging itself into a small space such as the dryer vent, then it is best to contact a wildlife professional to trap and remove it.

As the second half of the summer season starts to wind down, make sure to stay alert and watch out for animal intrusions around your home.  There are several types of animals such as birds and bats that commonly invade homes in the late summer and taking these actions can help you prevent or eliminate late summer intruders.  If an animal infestation is too much for you to handle on your own, contact Attic Solutions for our live trapping and animal removal services.

As soon as you suspect you may have a animal infestation, call us immediately at 847-464-1861 for removal. We are trained professionals and equipped to deal with animal exclusion and removal, including humane live animal trapping (never poisons!). We will remove the animal and fix any property damage they may have caused. Click to read more about animal removal services from Attic Solutions.